
Today, let's share one poem written by Mahmoud Darwish

I have been so upset lately that words are hard to find. Then this morning I remembered this poem by Mahmoud Darwish, called ‘Think of others’.

'As you prepare your breakfast think of others.
Don’t forget to feed the pigeons.
As you conduct your wars think of others.
Don’t forget those who want peace.
As you pay your water bill think of others.
Think of those who only have clouds to drink from.
As you go home, your own home, think of others
Don’t forget those who live in tents.
As you sleep and count the planets think of others
There are people who have no place to sleep.
As you liberate yourself with metaphors think of others
Those who have lost their right to speak
And as you think of distant others
Think of yourself and say
I wish i were a candle in the darkness.'

وأنتَ تُعِدُّ فطورك، فكِّر بغيركَ
لا تَنْسَ قوتَ الحمام
وأنتَ تخوضُ حروبكَ، فكِّر بغيركَ
لا تنس مَنْ يطلبون السلام
وأنتَ تسدد فاتورةَ الماء، فكِّر بغيركَ
مَنْ يرضَعُون الغمامٍ
وأنتَ تعودُ إلى البيت، بيتكَ، فكِّر بغيركَ
لا تنس شعب الخيامْ
وأنت تنام وتُحصي الكواكبَ، فكِّر بغيركَ
ثمّةَ مَنْ لم يجد حيّزاً للمنام
وأنت تحرّر نفسك بالاستعارات، فكِّر بغيركَ
مَنْ فقدوا حقَّهم في الكلام
وأنت تفكر بالآخرين البعيدين، فكِّر بنفسك
قُلْ: ليتني شمعةُ في الظلام

‘I wish I were a candle in the darkness.’

Thank you, Mahmoud Darwish.


Nancy said...

Thanks for sharing! This is a beautiful poem!

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful poem.I was searching for an english translation to share it with a friend.

Only one comment :
I think the verse :
"Think of those who only have clouds to drink from." is not what the metaphor of Darwish says.
He literally says : "think of those who suckle on the clouds". The metaphor is for the absence of water whereas your translation seems to convey the opposite meaning.
I would propose to keep the literal translation.

Thanks a lot Mammodouy.

RIP M. Darwish, Allah yerham.